Old Days Band & Strings
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Repertorio 401 - 420
Las melodías marcadas con un * indican que son interpretadas adicionalmente con nuestra sección de cuerda en vivo
401.- Don't be cruel
Don't be cruel.mp3
Don' t be cruel.pdf
402.- Rock around the clock
Rock around the clock.mp3
Rock around the clock.pdf
403.- Only you
Only you.mp3
Only you.pdf
404.- Jailhouse rock
Jail house rock.mp3
Jailhouse rock.pdf
405.- *Love me tender
Love me tender.mp3
Love me tender.pdf
406.- Lucille
407.- Hound dog
Hound dog.mp3
Hound dog.pdf
408.- Blue suede shoes
Blue suede shoes.mp3
Blue suede shoes.pdf
409.- Johnny B. Goode
Johnny B. Goode.mp3
Johnny B, Goode.pdf
410.- Good golly mis Molly
Good golly miss Molly.mp3
Good golly, mis Molly.pdf
411.- Tutti Frutti
Tutti frutti.mp3
Tutti frutti.pdf
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