Old Days Band & Strings
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Repertorio 221 -240
Las melodías marcadas con un * indican que son interpretadas adicionalmente con nuestra sección de cuerda en vivo
221.- Keep it comin' love
Keep It Comin' Love.mp3
Keep it comin' love.pdf
222.- Shake your booty
Shake Your Booty.mp3
Shake your booty.pdf
223.- *Cherish
224.- *Last tango in Paris
Last Tango In Paris.mp3
225.- *El triste
El triste.mp3
El triste.pdf
226.-I want to break free
I want to break free.mp3
I want to break free.pdf
227.- *A day in the Life
A day in the life.mp3
A day in the life.pdf
228.- *A Fifth of Beethoven
A Fifth Of Beethoven.mp3
229.- *Don't let me be misunderstood
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood.mp3
Don't let me be misunderstood.pdf
230.- *K-Jee
231.- Don't stop me ne now
Don´t Stop Me Now.mp3
Don´t stop me now.pdf
232.- Under pressure
Under pressure.mp3
Under pressure.pdf
233.- Another one bites the dust
Another one Bites the Dust.mp3
Another one bites the dust.pdf
234.-*You should be dancing
You should be dancing.mp3
You should be dancing.pdf
235.- *Don't take away the music
Don´t Take Away The Music
Don't take away the music.pdf
236.- *Piano
237.- Night birds
Night Birds.mp3
238.- Get away
Get Away.mp3
Get away.pdf
239.- *Sun Goddess
Sun Goddess.mp3
240.- *That's the way of the world
That's The Way Of The World.mp3
That's the way of the world.pdf
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